
Buckingham Evangelical Church

2020 Vision

In January we launched 2020 Vision and set the month aside to seek God's leading for the long term vision of BEChurch

Whilst encouraging our congregation to do this in your own personal times with the Lord we also want to ensure we do that together.

The first opportunity for that is our prayer service on Sunday evening 6pm in the Bourton Centre. This month we will look at various scriptures together and try to answer the question, 'How does God speak to us?' We will then spend time committing the process to God asking him to speak.

Our first week of midweek prayer will also kick off then. We have 3 sessions this week:

  • 14th Jan, 8pm at Matt and Gillian's house, Towcester
  • 15th Jan, 10am at James and Hannah's house, Buckingham
  • 16th Jan, 7:30 at Pat's house, Buckingham

In this week's sessions we will be looking to the past. Sharing what God has taught us through his word in the last year in our personal and together times and thinking about how what we have experienced shapes us for the future and praying into all these things.

Please may we encourage you to come to some of these sessions and to come expectantly in faith to hear from God.

James, James & Phillip.

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Bourton Meadow Academy

Service Time

Sundays at 10:30am

Service Location

Bourton Meadow Academy,
Burleigh Piece,
MK18 7HX


Affiliated to the fiec

Independent but not alone

As an independent baptist church, BEChurch is affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. Find out more about their work supporting independent churches on their website.

We also work closely with a number of churches in the region. You can read more about that on our Gospel Partners page.