
Buckingham Evangelical Church

Join a Life Group

As a part of bechurch, hopefully you have already connected yourself to a life group but if you haven't yet done so now is the time!

What is a Life Group?

While the main focus of the church will always be on the importance of our gathering together on Sunday, life throws so much at us that it's almost impossible to survive in our Christian walk - let alone grow - without ongoing support from others.

So we created Life Groups to provide the opportunity to meet up with other Christians regularly during the week to study the Bible, to pray, to show love and to encourage one another: all things that so much of the New Testament reminds us is important for our growth as believers.

The ideal size for a Life Group is somewhere between 6-10 people. Any smaller and it's tough to sustain the group; any larger and it's hard to properly get to know each other. If we have a need for more groups we will create new ones.

Where & when do groups meet?

Great question. Groups will be scheduled to meet every 2 weeks but obviously there's the freedom to meet more often if desired. While locations may occasionally change, here is a map showing the usual locations with the days and times that each group meets:

Map of life group locations

If you would like details of a specific group please contact me or one of the group leaders:

  • Buckingham Mount Pleasant
    Pip Goss or David Brown

  • Buckingham Badgers
    James & Hannah Pope

  • Buckingham Page Hill
    James & Nikki Dean

  • Deanshanger
    Ian Blackham or Matt Smith

  • Bicester
    Pip Goss

Are all the groups the same?

While groups will generally study the same material, each group will naturally have its own "character" since they are made up of different people. If you'd like to find out more about what each group is like, speak with one of the group leaders.

One group that will be quite different to the others is the Bicester group which is mostly made up of our music team. They will meet on the alternate week to other groups and spend some of their time together planning songs for our Sunday services as well as doing more "usual" Life Group things. If you're interested in joining that group please speak with Pip Goss.

Can I change groups?

Yes, of course. You aren't permanently tied to the first group you visit and can of course change at any time. I would recommend speaking with one of the leaders of each group first so you can get a "feel" for the group and to ensure that the group isn't already too large.

Do any groups meet online?

All the listed Life Groups are meeting in person but we understand that in some circumstances an online option may be desired. Please let us know if this is the case and we'll do our very best to accommodate you.

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Bourton Meadow Academy

Service Time

Sundays at 10:30am

Service Location

Bourton Meadow Academy,
Burleigh Piece,
MK18 7HX


Affiliated to the fiec

Independent but not alone

As an independent baptist church, bechurch is affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. Find out more about their work supporting independent churches on their website.

We also work closely with a number of churches in the region. You can read more about that on our Gospel Partners page.