
Buckingham Evangelical Church


We don't believe that people just "go" to church. We believe that people are the church. That's one of the reasons we use "bechurch" in our name.

Belonging to a church fellowship is an important part of being a Christian. The Bible doesn't know anything about Christians who aren't attached to a local church because we aren't supposed to go it alone - we are called to work together as parts of a body, we are a community.

Below are just some of the ways we encourage our church to belong to one another.


Being a committed member of BEChurch is critically important to the vitality of the church and to our ongoing mission to reach the lost of Buckingham. Those who have grown up in independent churches may already be familiar with the concept of local church membership but to others it can seem quite an odd concept… why would I want to "join" a church?

Read more: Membership

Midweek Groups

Being a Christian isn't just for Sundays. What you do between your Sundays is vitally important to maintaining a healthy faith.

Read more: Midweek Groups

Discipleship Explored

Discipleship Explored helps followers of Jesus turn up the gospel soundtrack to your life. It goes beyond simply teaching the right moves - go to church, pray, read the Bible, share the gospel - and focuses on the music which drives discipleship: the love of Christ. The greatest love anyone can ever know.

Read more: Discipleship Explored

Children & Youth

Engaging children and young people with the truths of the Bible gives them a great foundation to build their lives on.

Read more: Children & Youth


We encourage all our members and regular attenders to be active in their giving. We give because we are grateful to God for everything he has blessed us with. James 1:17 tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from above and we delight to give back to him.

Read more: Giving

News By Email

Sign up to receive our updates from bechurch sent directly to your email inbox. We'll keep you up to date with everything that's going on at bechurch centrally and in the groups you choose.

Read more: News By Email


See what's going on at BEChurch in the week, month and year ahead. Our calendar is Google-based so you can also add it to your own device to access it on the go.

Read more: Calendar

Super Rota

Regular members of the congregation take responsibility for various aspects of our Sunday morning service. To keep track of who is doing what, and to ensure that nothing is overlooked, we use a combination of rotas which we combine into one which we refer to as the Super Rota.

Take me to the Super Rota


If you're a regular attender why not volunteer to help with one of the service areas at BEChurch?

Read more: Volunteer

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Christianity Explored

What is life about?

We all get just one life to live and deep down we are all trying to answer the same question: what's it all about?

Join a Christianity Explored group and find out.

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Bourton Meadow Academy

Service Time

Sundays at 10:30am

Service Location

Bourton Meadow Academy,
Burleigh Piece,
MK18 7HX


Affiliated to the fiec

Independent but not alone

As an independent baptist church, BEChurch is affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. Find out more about their work supporting independent churches on their website.

We also work closely with a number of churches in the region. You can read more about that on our Gospel Partners page.