
Buckingham Evangelical Church


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24 May 2015 - Believing empty promises, part 1

Sun, May 24, 2015
Speaker: James Dean

Title: Believing empty promises, part 1

Date: 24 May 2015

Passage: {bible 47}Isaiah 44:9-20; Exodus 20:4-6{/bible}

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Who is your god? How big is your god? How holy is your god? How powerful is your god?

In his book on the Ten Commandments, Brian Edwards writes:
"God began him Commandments by ordering: 'You shall have no other gods before me' because he knew that humanity would believe in God or gods and therefore it is important that we should know who the only true God is. Then God added the second Commandment because he knew that our next step would be to say: 'We can't understand this God. He is too big, too vast. We will reduce him to a size we can understand.' And so with pebbles, rocks and trees, man would make God 'man-size'. In other words, God gave the second Commandment to protect the first."


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Bourton Meadow Academy

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Sundays at 10:30am

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Bourton Meadow Academy,
Burleigh Piece,
MK18 7HX


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As an independent baptist church, BEChurch is affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. Find out more about their work supporting independent churches on their website.

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